There are lots of moving parts in business. One thing that is constant? Your business will form part of your legacy – so it needs to be in your will.

I want to protect the future of my business.

If you are seriously injured, diagnosed with a critical illness or unexpectedly leave this world, what will happen to your business? You’ve worked tirelessly day and night to build your business. What have you put in place to look after your employees, customers, clients or investors if you can’t? What impact could this have on your family? We can help to get this sorted for you.

You haven’t thought about what would happen to your business if you weren’t around

You’re a solo-preneur / entrepreneur

You’re ready to start getting your dream team working for you

You’re a savvy investor with a trust or a company

You own a business with or without a partner

This option is perfect if:

So here's the pricing breakdown for our BUSINESS PACKAGE

You'll walk away with:
• Your Business Structure Deep Dive*
• Comprehensive Estate Plan making sure your wishes will be carried out
• Your Will
• Your Personal Enduring Power of Attorney
(Personal/Health & Financial incl business & personal appointments)
• Your Advanced Health/Care Directive 
• Superannuation & Life Insurance Nominations
• Business Survival Kit (Roadmap for Business / Panel of Experts)
• Peace of mind

We're BIG on transparency here. That's why we offer fixed fee packages.


Heart to Heart: $675
Business Package
(1 person): $3,300
TOTAL: $3,975 incl GST

Heart to Heart: $675
Business Package
(2 people): $5,250
TOTAL: $5,925 incl GST

* Detailed review of your business structure, including up to 3 entities (company, trusts, SMSF), constitutions, deeds, financial statements

Because we're in the business of delivering peace of mind.

Here are just some of the tools we'll be using to ensure your loved ones are looked after.

We’re going to do a deep dive into your investment and or business holdings so that we understand explicitly how everything is held, and can come up with options that will achieve your wishes when it comes to sharing assets between family members - and maximise them!

We’re going to put in place personal and business attorneys - because the people that you want making decisions about your business baby, are often different to the people you want making decisions about your personal finances.

We’re going to help you nut out detailed and specific wishes for your business. We’ll help you nominate a panel of experts for your executors to rely on when it comes time to make decisions about specific business wishes.

We get it.
There is a lot to digest.
Here are some resources we love.

And we've written some blogs that might help. They cover off on some of the things you might be thinking about in a bit more detail.

Your business will form part of your legacy – so it is important you consider it in your will. Here's why.

Black Swan events happen – and this story featuring Julia Spicer puts a business continuity plan into acton.

Check out this great article that our very own Julia wrote. A handy list for business owners who want to get this right.

We want you to be comfortable with your choices. We know it can be tough making these decisions and sometimes you change
your mind. 

That’s why we offer a 6 month peace of mind guarantee. If you decide that you want to make changes to your nominated executors, attorneys or guardians, we can make the necessary changes for you with no additional charge. 

You'll love our SIX month guarantee.

Need another reason?

#Radbosslady, QLD

Nicky and Julia are all-stars. 
You can expect a values driven and sincere approach from G.Law, that and they run a tight ship so everything will happen just as it should in your estate planning matter! 
G.Law is the place to go for future focussed but time poor people who want peace of mind in their estate planning but just want someone to hand it all over to.

We work with some awesome people.

#Radbosslady, QLD

"Nicky makes what can be a complicated process, hassle free and easy to understand."

We love our clients


"We loved working with Nicky. Her clear process and communication made what was a rather complicated matter an absolute breeze."

It's not hard to see why...

#Radbosslady, NSW


"I ALWAYS recommend Nicky when someone asks me about getting their will done. Her advice is straight forward and clear, and you feel supported the whole way through the process."

Now we're just blushing...

#Radbosslady, QLD

kind words

Nic has been collecting will skillz since 2007. She worked her way up the ladder of a large Brisbane firm in their wills, estates and trusts team. When she moved back out west, she joined a law firm in Goondiwindi before starting G.Law.

Nic is obsessed with all things business, podcasts and regional Australia. When she's not at G.Law HQ, she runs another business [G.Fence] with her husband Ed. So she not only knows wills, but she can read a balance sheet – and understands tax and super law. HANDY FOR WILLS!

What makes Nic smile the most "days spent meeting people, hearing their stories and helping them make tough decisions. That, or in my garden, with the sun on my face and three monkeys playing together, their laughter tinkling in my ears."

Hi, I'm Nicola – but you can call me Nicky!

Nicky Grummitt
Founder and Director

Wife, mother, legal ninja, lover of coffee and colour. 


Ready to protect your legacy?

Now is the time to get this done.

Because carrier pigeons are messy.

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